PAT Transport Service

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PAT Transport Service Reviews

5/5 stars

excellent service.

5/5 stars

The driver is very accomodating, helpful anf punctual. Greatly appreciated.

5/5 stars

5/5 stars

Mr Ramil is very courteous and on time. He is very attentive in his driving. He knows how to keep his customers occupied especially on long drives. I would recommend him to anyone doing long and short trips in and around Manila and suburbs.

5/5 stars

5/5 stars

5/5 stars

the driver is respectful, accommodating and patient. i was given the wrong address by my hotel but fortunely, it's just around the corner and he quickly and awesomely helped me carry my bags back. Thank you.

5/5 stars

5/5 stars

felt safe with the driver..

1/5 stars

it has been promise that avanza would be the vehicle that will pick us up in the airport but the driver was driving a small car the result our baggages did not fit so he went back and brougt a small van instead but the damage has been done already, i don't really know who is to be blame just a little advice a passengers especially filipinos always have a two baggages to check in and a carry on bag so if two passengers an suv or a ban will be used. thanks

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